* Spark 3 requires Scala 2.12, we have to few dependency upgrade as well, in particular,
scala-maven-plugin, scalatest, spark-tensorflow-connector and scalapb
* scala-maven-plugin version 4.3.1 works, but higher version such as 4.4.x, 4.5.x do not work.
If you use version 4.4.x, 4.5.x, you will get error identical to the one reported in :
* with change to scalapb to the current version, the protobuf version argument is changed.
in scalapb 0.9.8 if the protobuf version is 3.8.0 then the argument is v380 and v261 for version 2.6.1
in scalapb 0.11.0 we need to specify v3.8.0 for version 3.8.0
* spark-tensorflow-connector has no scala 2.12 releases at the moment, although the master branch does
has code for scala 2.12. Instead of waiting for the official release, we temporarily build the dependency ourselves.
We add git submodule of tensorflow/ecosystem, then build the dependency locally
cd ecosystem/spark/spark-tensorflow-connector;
mvn clean install
* change scalatest dependency to version 3.0.5.
when change the scalatest to the later versions > "3.0.5", the tests will show errors like "object FunSuite is not a member of package org.scalatest"