This version brings massive changes to the core engine, thus reducing the number of
corner cases and weird behaviors.
- :issue:`275`: `factory.fuzzy` and `factory.faker` now use the same random seed.
- Add :class:`factory.Maybe`, which chooses among two possible declarations based
on another field's value (powers the :class:`~factory.Trait` feature).
- :class:`~factory.PostGenerationMethodCall` only allows to pass one positional argument; use keyword arguments for
extra parameters.
- `factory.fuzzy.get_random_state` is deprecated, `factory.random.get_random_state` should be used instead.
- `factory.fuzzy.set_random_state` is deprecated, `factory.random.set_random_state` should be used instead.
- `factory.fuzzy.reseed_random` is deprecated, `factory.random.reseed_random` should be used instead.