
Latest version: v2.2.0

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(`125 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/125>`_) Stratospheric water vapour forcing is now a function of concentration or emissions, rather than forcing

(`158 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/158>`_) Add `fair` to `conda-forge`

(`155 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/155>`_) Implement general CSV filling function

(`153 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/153>`_) Add support for python 3.12

(`134 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/134>`_) Increase code coverage to 100%



(`152 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/152>`_) Fix bug in reading in species_configs CSV file when either ch4 or aci are omitted

(`150 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/150>`_) Reformat for black update

(`149 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/149>`_) Add nightly tests



(`147 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/147>`_) Remove support for python 3.7

(`146 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/146>`_) Restarts for ocean heat content working correctly



(`138 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/138>`_) Zenodo DOI error when using `pooch` fixed



(`118 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/118>`_) Development branch merged in

(`130 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/issues/130>`_) Fixed breaking change in xarray 2023.9.0

(`127 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/127>`_) Add a calibrated, constrained example to the documentation

(`121 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/121>`_) Make `FAIR.ghg_forcing_offset` an attribute

(`120 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/120>`_) Fix a weird bug with scipy-1.10 and linear algebra. Remove support for python 3.6, add support for 3.11



(`112 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/112>`_) Write docs for v2.1

(`111 <https://github.com/OMS-NetZero/FAIR/pull/111>`_) Large overhaul of FaIR including adding most features from v2.0.0-alpha, plus species-dependent methane lifetime and new interface

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