
Latest version: v0.17.11

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- Changed type of ``data_columns`` for ``xml_file`` provider from
``Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]`` to ``Dict[str, str]``.
- In the ``pdf_file`` provider, changed default value of ``pdf_generator_cls``
from concrete ``PdfkitPdfGenerator`` value to its' string representation
- In the ``mp3_file`` provider, changed default value of ``mp3_generator_cls``
from concrete ``GttsMp3Generator`` value to its' string representation



- Minor fixes in the ``GenericFileProvider``.



- Add ``create_inner_generic_file`` inner function.
- Add ``generic_file`` support to CLI.



- Add support for ``list_create_inner_file``-like functions to the ``EML``
file provider. If you are using CLI and CLI-completion, make sure to
re-generate the completion file.
- Add ``GenericFileProvider`` provider to support generic file types.



.. note::

This release introduces minor backwards incompatible changes.

- A new argument ``basename`` has been added to all providers, inner
functions and storage classes. If you have customized things or created
your own providers, make sure to make appropriate changes in your code.
See the source code for more implementation examples. If you are using
CLI and CLI-completion, make sure to re-generate the completion file.
- A new inner function ``list_create_inner_file`` has been added, using which
it's possible to create just a list of given files (ignoring ``count`` value)
using given arguments. The amount of files is determined by
the ``func_list`` (each pair ``(Callable, kwargs)`` corresponds to a single
file. Both ``ZipFileProvider`` and ``TarFileProvider`` have been altered to
reflect these changes.
- Added to support for ``XML`` files through ``XmlFileProvider``.



.. note::

This release introduces minor backwards incompatible changes.

- Display full path to the created file in the CLI.
- Added ``DynamicTemplate`` support for ``PDF`` file. The ``generate``
method of the ``BasePdfGenerator`` and classes derived from it,
got two new arguments: ``data`` (``Dict[str, Any]``),
and ``provider`` (``Union[Faker, Generator, Provider]``). If you have
implemented custom generators for ``PDF`` (``pdf_file`` provider),
make sure to reflect mentioned changes in your code.

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