
Latest version: v30.0.0

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* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added a faker namespace for translations


* 1 bug fix:
* Stopped stomping on I18n load path


* 1 bug fix:
* Stopped setting I18n default locale
* 1 major enhancement:
* Added method_missing to Address to add methods based on data in locale files
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added Swiss locale [Lukas Westermann]


* 1 major enhancement:
* Moved strings and some formats to locale files


* Change blood group from ``0`` (zero) to ``O`` (capital letter O). Some
locales do use 'zero', but ``O`` is more common and it is the medical
standard. Thanks mohi7solanki.
* Fix alpha-2 country code for Haiti. Thanks sevens-ef for the report.
* Fix abbreviation for Nunavut. Thanks straz for the report.
* Standardized ``postcode`` in address providers. Now all locales are
guaranteed to have a ``postcode`` method and may have a localized alias for
it (eg: ``zipcode``). Thanks straz for the report.
* Fix typo in ``pt_BR`` Person perovider. Thanks Nichlas.
* Fix timezone handling. Thanks Fraterius.
* Use tzinfo when provided in ``date_of_birth``. Thanks Kelledin.


* Add ``ein``, ``itin`` and refactored ``ssn`` Provider for ``en_US``.
Thanks crd.
* Add ``job`` provider for ``zh_CN``. Thanks ramwin.
* Add ``date_of_birth`` provider. Thanks cdr.
* Add alpha-3 representation option for ``country-code`` provider. Thanks cdr.

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