
Latest version: v0.9.8

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- Compile-time CFLAG FAKE_SETTIME can be enabled to
intercept calls to clock_settime(), settimeofday(), and
adjtime(). (suggested and prototyped by ojura)
- Additional compile-time CFLAGs can be passed via the
environment variable FAKETIME_COMPILE_CFLAGS when
running 'make'.
- src/Makefile CFLAG FORCE_PTHREAD_NONVER should be set on
systems that hang on CLOCK_REALTIME, or that hang on


- Passthrough for unknown clock ids to avoid error messages
- Fixes for multithreaded operations (mliertzer, qnox)
- glibc-related fixes (jprjr) and gcc8 support (tpetazzoni)
- Improved error message output on parsing errors
- fix file stat() faking when 'i' modifier is used for determinism
- Use FAKETIME="%" to take FAKETIME setting from a file as
- Added FAKETIME_DONT_RESET environment variable to avoid
faketime resets when subprocesses are started (similar to
the old v0.9.6 behavior)
- Added FAKETIME_XRESET to avoid large clock jumps when
the 'x' modifier is used and changed during run-time
- Do not fake time during libfaketime initialization to
improve compatibility with memory allocation libraries that
use time-related functions themselves
- Fixes for shared memory related issues, especially when
not using the faketime wrapper
- Updated glibc compatibility settings for various platforms
- Support for clock_nanosleep() with realtime and monotonic clocks
- Support for epoll_wait(), epoll_pwait(), and pselect()
- src/Makefile CFLAG FORCE_MONOTONIC_FIX should be set (only) on
platforms where the test program hangs forever at the


- Julien Gilli added an option to disable monotonic time faking
- Azat Khuzhin added support for COARSE clocks
- Preliminary support for CLOCK_BOOTTIME (Linux)
- Fixed compilation on macOS (High) Sierra and various compiler warnings
- Support for select() call added by Hitoshi Harada (umitanuki)
- Updated documentation


- fixed crashes that happened when other LD_PRELOAD libraries were used
- fixed passing through of return values when using the faketime wrapper
- fixed compile-time issues with CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW on some platforms
- rbalint added Filter commands: FAKETIME_ONLY_CMDS and
FAKETIME_SKIP_CMDS control which (sub-)processes libfaketime
is applied to.


- ryandesign at MacPorts provided a Portfile for MacPorts and
fixed various build issues on OSX.
- Balint Reczey added support for nanosecond resolution, saving
timestamps to files, speeding up and slowing down per-process
support for system calls such as sleep() and alarm().
- Applied a patch by Gerardo Malazdrewicz and Toni G to restore
compatibility with newer versions of glibc.
- Balint Reczey added an option to use the same global clock setting
for all libfaketime-spawned processes.
- Balint Reczey has rewritten the faketime wrapper shell script in C
and refactored libfaketime.
- Balint Reczey added support for advancing the time with each time-
related system call ("deterministic time").
- Added "timeprivacy" wrapper by adrelanos; it ensures that programs
are started with unique timestamps.
- Code and documentation cleanup by Tomi Ollila.
- Reworked Makefiles for more flexible installation, including fixes
by Lukas Fleischner, Daniel Kahm Gillmor, and Hugues Andreux.
- Fixed license issues as pointed out by Paul Wouters.
- Mac OS X support has been improved for OS X 10.7 and 10.8; due to
changes to the underlying libraries on OS X, libfaketime 0.9.5 will
no longer work with OS X < 10.6; use libfaketime 0.9(.1) for older
OS X installations.
- Don Fong has contributed a new framework for functional tests.
Petr Salinger ensured its compatibility with GNU/kFreeBSD.


- Added support for "limited faking".
You can optionally specify when libfaketime starts to fake the
returned timestamps and when it shall stop doing so. For example,
a program can be started regularly, and after 5 minutes run-time
it will be sent two years into the future. Those limiting
start and stop times can be specified in seconds or as the
number of any time-related function calls within the program.
- Added a feature to spawn an external process after x seconds
or y time-related system calls. This can, for example, be used
to execute an arbitrary shell script x seconds after a program
has been started.

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