Patch Changes
- e55e571f: feat: Add "getting blockchain events" to hub status
- 5e96e134: fix: Handle network failures when fetching config
- 951793b1: fix: getUserNameProofsByFid should return fname proofs as well
- 3e601f81: fix: Fetch L2 events in parallel before processing, show progress
- 6ec14935: feat: Remove permissioned allowlist for mainnet hubs
- c61728cb: fix: DB Migration for UserNameProof index messages
- 6bb1b439: fix: Handle sync status reporting properly
- 1fcfd495: fix: fetching l2 events was not respecting --l2-first-block
- f9631488: feat: Add statsd monitoring for Hubble
- c6d79cdb: feat: on chain event ordering updated to be more consistent
- f241dcf4: fix: Make sure valid messages are inserted into Sync Trie
- 36484022: fix: user name proofs weren't syncd correctly because they were not added to the sync trie
- 8d61f5f2: fix: Improve initial eth events fetching
- d8cb39ac: fix: Limit SyncStatus to upto 30 peers
- Updated dependencies [e55e571f]
- Updated dependencies [c6d79cdb]
- farcaster/hub-nodejs0.10.4