Breaking changes
* The deprecated dependencies to retrieve current user have been removed. Use the `current_user` factory instead. [[Documentation](]
* When trying to authenticate a not verified user, a **status code 403** is raised instead of status code 401. Thanks daanbeverdam 🎉 [[Documentation](]
* Your `UserUpdate` model shouldn't inherit from the base `User` class anymore. If you have custom fields, you should repeat them in this model. [[Documentation](]
* Database adapters now live in their [own repositories and packages](
* When upgrading to v7.0.0, the dependency for your database adapter should automatically be installed.
* The `import` statements remain unchanged.
* [SQLAlchemy + encode/databases adapter]( have been updated and now support SQLAlchemy 1.4.
* Secret parameters now support Pydantic's [`SecretStr` class]( Thanks pocin 🎉
What's coming next?
* [SQLModel]( support through a new database adapter
* Better examples running on
* Tackle 633, 687 and 688