
Latest version: v0.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Fix bug where `Request.url_for` is not working as intended [[yuval9313/FastApi-RESTful90](]
* Update multiple dependencies using dependebot
* Fix `repeat_every` is only running once [142](


* Bump sqlalchemy from 1.4.48 to 2.0.19 by dependabot in 202
* Pydantic v2 by ollz272 in [199](
* fix ci not run by ollz272 in [208](


* Change the lock of fastapi to enable more versions of it to be installed


* Move to ruff for linting, etc.
* Update various dependencies
* Stop supporting Python 3.6
* Deprecate InferringRouter (as its functionality is now built into `fastapi.APIRouter`)
* Resolve various deprecationwarnings introduced by sqlalchemy 1.4.
* Add support to Python 3.11
* Change package description to avoid errors with pypi as [mentioned here](


* Fix bug where inferred router raises exception when no content is needed but type hint is provided (e.g. `None` as return type with status code 204) (As mentiond in [134](
* Improve tests and add more test cases
* Bump dependencies versions


* Remove version pinning to allow diversity in python environments

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