What's Changed
* Use disperse action by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/19
* Migrate to pyproject.toml by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/20
* Set dependencies field by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/21
* Enable ruff, pyupgrade by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/22
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.12 by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/24
* Add python3.12 to the list of supported Python versions by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/25
* Don't try to test with python version that is not yet released by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/26
* Migrate to ruff by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/29
* Add bencode_utf8/bdecode_utf8 functions by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/28
* Configure dependabot, drop python 3.7, build wheels from github action by jelmer in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/31
* Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/33
New Contributors
* dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/pull/33
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/breezy-team/fastbencode/compare/v0.2...v0.3.0