
Latest version: v1.6.0

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- [x] Rework [mask_api](csrc/mask_api/mask_api.cpp) with pybind11 C++ .
- [x] Rework [RLE support](csrc/mask_api/src/rle.cpp).
- [x] Create test files for all components.
- [x] The math_matches function has been reworked, with an emphasis on using C++ code.
- [x] Added more documentation of functions. Optimized existing ones.
- [x] Added rleToBoundary func with 2 backend ["mask_api", "opencv"]
- [x] IoU type [boundary]( support (further testing is needed)
- [x] Create async rle and boundary comput [discussion](


- [x] Compare COCOEval bug fix.


- [x] Replace CED MSE curve with MAE (px) curve
- [x] Add CED examples
- [x] Display IoU and MAE for keypoints
- [x] Reworked eval._prepare to clear up the return flow
- [x] Reworked the C++ part of **COCOevalEvaluateImages** and **COCOevalAccumulate**
- [x] Add new **COCOevalEvaluateAccumulate** to combine these two calls. You can use old style **separate_eval==True** (default=False)
- [x] **COCOevalAccumulate** & **COCOevalEvaluateAccumulate** -> *COCOeval_faster.eval* is now correctly created as numpy arrays.
- [x] Append LVIS dataset support **lvis_style=True** in COCOeval_faster

cocoEval = COCOeval_faster(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType, lvis_style=True, print_function=print)
cocoEval.params.maxDets = [300]


- [x] Add CED MSE curve
- [x] Review tests
- [x] Review **COCOeval_faster.math_matches** function and **COCOeval_faster.compute_mIoU** function


- [x] Worked out the ability to work with skeletons and various key points
- [x] eval.state_as_dict Now works for key points


- [x] Change comparison to colab_example
- [x] append utils with opencv **conver_mask_to_poly** (extra)
- [x] append **drop_cocodt_by_score** for extra eval

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