
Latest version: v0.4.1

Safety actively analyzes 714973 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies



* [FIX][DOC] Update GitHub Action workflow names ([`8037cd8`](


* [FIX] Bump version to 0.4.1 ([`05c696e`](


* Revert &34;0.4.0&34;

This reverts commit 4cc13ea7a887896bd9b9dbf7b7a80532fbffcda9. ([`1ca066f`](

* Revert &34;Merge branch &39;dev&39;&34;

This reverts commit c9beb81daf9f039b0d1d797b17e37a333a137923, reversing
changes made to 4cc13ea7a887896bd9b9dbf7b7a80532fbffcda9. ([`054ab63`](

* Merge branch &39;dev&39; ([`c9beb81`](

* Merge branch &39;bump.major&39; into dev ([`839ee56`](

* [FIX][CI] ([`eea53b7`](



* [FIX][CI] Enable conditional execution of the deploy job ([`426a00c`](

* [REFACTO][CI] Add CI/CD workflows for documentation, publishing, releasing, and testing ([`5f5e792`](

* [CI] Add release task to Taskfile.yml ([`d669de4`](

* [CI] Update pre-commit hooks configuration ([`dc3be55`](


* [FIX][CONFIG](tasks) Update Taskfile.yml to use Poetry for running flake8 and interrogate commands ([`823c631`](

* [CONFIG] Add setup tasks and generate badges ([`0ebc2a9`](

* [CONFIG](tasks) Update release command in Taskfile.yml ([`a9fa8bf`](

* [CONFIG](tasks) Add badges and update task descriptions ([`36e1383`](

* [CONFIG] Add badge generation tasks ([`adb87e8`](

* [CONFIG] Update release task in Taskfile.yml ([`da88fe7`](

* [CONFIG] Add commit_parser_options to pyproject.toml ([`ce81c7c`](

* [CONFIG] Update flake8 configuration ([`f8cf1c9`](

* [CONFIG] Update dependencies in pyproject.toml ([`99e21d7`](

* [CONFIG] Update .gitignore to exclude all files in the &39;reports&39; directory ([`2bb53d7`](

* [CONFIG] Update dependencies in pyproject.toml ([`30e6e1f`](


* [RM] Remove coverage, docstr, flake8, and tests badges ([`1e70fbf`](

* [RM] Remove unused configuration files ([`1a46211`](


* [DOC] Add new pages to navigation ([`201ef41`](

* [DOC] Add documentation for aliases and API ([`40c018a`](

* [DOC] Refactor docstrings ([`30e2646`](

* [ADD][DOC] Add badges for pytest, coverage, and flake8 ([`bd7e78d`](

* [DOC] Update Readme ([`f6755ca`](

* [DOC] Clean base example ([`9a15572`](


* [FEAT] Refactor callback setter to add less verbose aliases ([`8ef572d`](

* [FEAT] Update FastJWT dependency names ([`32393df`](

* [FEAT] Quick Dependency Accessors ([`5c22e23`](


* [CONFIG][FIX] Update assets to commit on release ([`81a5c3c`](


* [REFACTO] Refactor commit parser module for semantic release

This commit adds the module, which provides functionality for parsing commit messages in the semantic release format. The module includes a CommitTags enum, a CommitParser class, and various utility functions. This module will be used to enable semantic release in the project. ([`370d025`](


* Merge pull request 30 from ocarinow/dev

Bump version ([`fabcb71`](

* Merge pull request 29 from ocarinow/bump.major

Update dependencies, remove unused files, and refactor commit parser module ([`f53244b`](

* docs: Add serve task to Taskfile.yml and update mkdocstrings configuration ([`a0fce7f`](

* config: Add pytest-asyncio dependency ([`a2356f9`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into bump.major ([`fa6bcc4`](

* [UPD][CONFIG] Update Taskfile.yml and add hooks and serve Taskfiles ([`cfa0b2d`](



* [FIX][CI] Update python-semantic-release version ([`21b113d`](

* [FIX][CI] Documentation workflow ([`0d29dcc`](


* [FIX][TEST] Fix missing iat in create_token test ([`a7a87df`](


* Merge pull request 28 from ocarinow/dev

[FIX][CI] Update python-semantic-release version ([`ae2d29c`](

* Merge pull request 27 from ocarinow/dev

Bump version ([`4fad3f7`](

* Merge pull request 26 from ocarinow/upd/deps

[FEAT] Update dependencies and add fastapi to app dependencies ([`f1467eb`](

* [UPD][CONFIG] Update dependencies and add fastapi to app dependencies ([`2ead1d0`](

* [UPD] Update from `pydantic.BaseSettings` to `pydantic_settings.BaseSettings` ([`de17cb8`](

* Merge pull request 24 from ocarinow/dev

Add Config section to documentation ([`87f2d90`](

* Merge pull request 23 from ocarinow/dev.mkdocs

Documentation ([`0a09189`](

* add: lock requirements for mkdocs ([`3a255f2`](

* doc: add Config page ([`5e841d1`](

* Merge pull request 22 from ocarinow/dev.doc

Bump 0.3.0 ([`22d6c71`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; into dev.doc ([`a29fa91`](



* [RM][CI] Install deps step in Release workflow ([`56a76fb`](

* [FIX][CI] Force virtualenv in project for Release workflow ([`96e10ec`](

* [FIX][CI] Force poetry install on semantic release task ([`0591e80`](

* [FIX][CI] Pre commit semantic release command

Force `poetry run` for commands ([`14f7e22`](

* [FIX][CI] Add fetch-depth to Release workflow ([`0196fc7`](

* [FIX][CI] Launch Publish & Doc on success ([`42fe4d7`](

* [FIX][CI] Remove upload to release config ([`500be27`](

* [CI] MkDoc deploy on package publish ([`6261b67`](


* [DOC][CONFIG] enable mkdoc code block annotations ([`1148788`](

* [FIX][CONFIG] License typo ([`a81a73b`](


* [ADD] add missing `create_refresh_token` to FastJWTDeps ([`be3a83f`](

* [ADD] mkdocs dist to .gitignore ([`2268d60`](


* [DOC] Add documentation workflow badge ([`4f9faa8`](

* [DOC] Add base docstring args for TokenPayload ([`b3c4533`](

* [DOC] Add type hints documentation ([`bc322ab`](

* [DOC] add documentation for claims ([`dbf7f71`](

* [DOC] Add documentation for error handling ([`d52edb6`](

* [DOC] add documentation for FastJWTDeps ([`a102332`](

* [DOC] Add documentation for dependencies ([`3458bdb`](

* [DOC] Add documentation pages ([`4cb1a14`](

* [DOC] Format mk files ([`a5e377c`](

* [DOC] Docstrings for implicit refresh mechanism ([`4d5c29a`](

* [ADD][DOC] Docstrings for additional `TokenPayload` properties ([`cc05713`](

* [DOC] Fix badges in ([`1d7774e`](

* [DOC] Add docstrings ([`3d98c45`](

* [DOC] enable mermaid in doc ([`c5754ec`](

* [DOC] Add semver documentation ([`31b5311`](


* [FEAT] Implicit refresh middleware ([`97b54ff`](

* [ADD][FEAT] FastJWT under MIT Licence ([`2b4bb8a`](

* [FEAT] Add quick imports for main objects ([`88144d6`](

* [FEAT](subject) Allow user defined subject fetching callback

Given a user defined callback `(str) -> Model` FastJWT provides a `get_current_subject` method to fetch and serialize user as a dependency ([`3b87d4e`](

* [FEAT](revoked) Add revoked token handling

Enable checks for revoked tokens through user defined callback ([`f2ffa56`](

* [FEAT](error) Move token deps as properties

Set the token dependencies as non parametrizable properties to follow fastapi syntax. New properties
- `FastJWT.fresh_token_required`
- `FastJWT.access_token_required`
- `FastJWT.refresh_token_required` ([`e2cb3a1`](

* [FEAT] Error Handling ([`1dbeb47`](


* [FIX] Default CallbackHandler `ignore_errors` argument to False ([`36e4664`](

* [FIX] Exception inheritance ([`298c401`](


* [RM][TEST] Remove unused imports ([`468449b`](

* [TEST] Add tests for error & callbcak handlers ([`b21f550`](

* [TEST] Excpect specific MissingCSRFTokenError ([`7c0cf0b`](

* [FIX][TEST] Fix tests with `FastJWT.token_required` coroutine generator ([`4a50065`](

* [RM][TEST] Remove debug prints in tests ([`7d93cc4`](

* [TEST] use MissingTokenError ([`d80a304`](


* Merge pull request 21 from ocarinow/dev.doc

[RM][CI] Install deps step in Release workflow ([`53fbe9e`](

* Merge pull request 20 from ocarinow/dev.doc

Poetry setup in Release CI workflow ([`214c297`](

* Merge pull request 19 from ocarinow/dev.doc

[FIX][CI] Pre commit semantic release command ([`2c35f5a`](

* Merge pull request 18 from ocarinow/dev.doc

[FIX][CI] Add fetch-depth to Release workflow ([`7227d23`](

* Merge pull request 17 from ocarinow/dev

Fix CI issue ([`5be7785`](

* Merge pull request 16 from ocarinow/dev.doc

Fix CI by disabling upload_to_release ([`42c84eb`](

* Merge pull request 15 from ocarinow/dev.doc

[FIX][CI] Remove upload to release config ([`22cd1b4`](

* Merge pull request 14 from ocarinow/dev

Add new features ([`5de6c1d`](

* Merge pull request 13 from ocarinow/dev.doc

Add new features ([`46cd5f6`](

* [UPD][DOC] Readme ([`a430446`](



* [CI] Remove beautify step ([`39c2ad0`](

* [CI] Force tests only on PRdev ([`b2b812d`](

* [CI] Add set poetry to release workflow ([`9a6e17e`](

* [CI] Set publish workflow on Release success ([`9b2f2bd`](

* [CI] Use Set Poetry step in Release ([`c33701f`](

* [CI] Disable flake8 on test workflow ([`4ceeee0`](

* [FIX][CI] Use `poetry run` to activate env ([`a8a2296`](

* [CI] Fix typing for python3.9 ([`65b06db`](

* [FIX][CI] Fix Test GHA for 3.9 ([`00de0f7`](

* [CI] Run test on PR on dev ([`7e3c3ef`](

* [CI] Add github actions ([`3846279`](

* [CI] Add requirements.txt ([`525aabd`](

* [CI] Sepcify packages to include in toml ([`545c6c0`](

* [CI] Add commit parser ([`f6c6c46`](


* [CONFIG] Update config ([`0cbe9be`](

* [CONFIG] pytest config ([`cd17af5`](


* [ADD] ([`8c86b3d`](

* [RM] bad doc ([`2268360`](

* [ADD] requirements ([`2f2811d`](

* [RM] debug prints ([`954281e`](

* [RM] Old quick imports ([`284f74c`](

* [ADD] Encode/decode warppers ([`f0fb8d1`](

* [ADD] Exceptions ([`8346093`](

* [ADD] type hints ([`6890ddc`](

* [ADD] utils functions ([`6e70e5b`](

* [RM] Remove old api ([`c93f00d`](

* [ADD] shell script to test jwt plugin behavior ([`dd9f929`](

* [ADD] Add token blacklisting to `base` example ([`4caaa7d`](

* [ADD](examples) Create base example ([`48c488a`](

* [ADD] Add repo structure ([`e738102`](


* [DOC] improve documentation ([`3126724`](

* [DOC] improve documentation ([`7f6c3eb`](

* [DOC] Add mkdocs ([`4ca2833`](

* [ADD][DOC] Add MkDoc base ([`2eede25`](

* [ADD][DOC] Add mkdoc deps ([`3d4a727`](

* [DOC] Add MkDoc ([`6f0256b`](

* [DOC] Coverage badge ([`5348ca4`](

* [DOC] Add docstring for public methods/functions ([`a7cb52f`](

* [DOC] Add reports ([`8cf5743`](

* [DOC] Document release ([`688e009`](

* [DOC](examples) Add comments in `base` example ([`9d1db65`](


* [FEAT] Add dependency and callback handler ([`ec2b7a4`](

* [DOC][FEAT] Force bump ([`5767404`](

* [FEAT] FastJWT object and first protection deps ([`9e2eb03`](

* [FEAT] TokenPayload & RequestToken models ([`6d6fe94`](

* [FEAT] Add token getter from request ([`ca7dd9f`](

* [FEAT] Use `pydantic.BaseSettings` for Config ([`3311811`](

* [FEAT] Check for token in blacklist ([`188e278`](

* [FEAT](jwt) FastJWT object for auth management ([`b2da6af`](


* [FIX] dependency method typing ([`2db54f4`](

* [FIX] Fix type hinting from iterable to sequence ([`87c89fe`](

* [FIX] Make &34;iat&34; claim int ([`a9676eb`](

* [FIX] Missing &34;sub&34; in reserved claims ([`93bb39c`](

* [FIX] TokenLocations & HTTPMethods sequence typing ([`f7640b8`](

* [FIX] FastJWTConfig hidden arguments ([`3f236eb`](


* [REFACTO] Remove unused imports ([`76bd4d7`](


* [TEST] Add tests for FastJWT object ([`d12f23f`](

* [TEST] Add test for model&39;s methods ([`fd4c4d6`](

* [TEST] Add tests for encode/decode behavior ([`04395b8`](

* [TEST] Add utils basic tests ([`83fa88f`](

* [TEST] Add tests for config object ([`ca4b816`](

* [TEST] Add test for fastjwt.core uncovered branches ([`4d49455`](

* [TEST] Add test for token getters in request ([`f366da1`](


* Merge pull request 12 from ocarinow/dev

Publish 0.2.0 ([`7333a0d`](

* Merge pull request 11 from ocarinow/dev.doc

Bump to v0.2.0 ([`557736e`](

* Merge pull request 10 from ocarinow/dev

[DOC][FEAT] Manual Bump ([`cdf7f25`](

* Merge pull request 9 from ocarinow/dev.doc

[DOC][FEAT] Force bump ([`d6374c0`](

* Merge pull request 6 from ocarinow/dev

[CI] release & publish ([`a8afb44`](

* Merge pull request 5 from ocarinow/dev.doc

[CI] Configure CI ([`4ff334c`](

* Merge pull request 4 from ocarinow/dev

Try first release & publish ([`d4039e8`](

* Merge pull request 3 from ocarinow/dev.doc

Add doc and update CI ([`87a75fb`](

* Merge pull request 2 from ocarinow/dev.std

[CI] Add Test GHA on PRdev ([`22d1167`](

* Merge pull request 1 from ocarinow/dev.std

Refacto FastJWT API ([`775119a`](

* Initial commit ([`9c1d6ec`](



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