* release(1.11.4): fixes issue with inverse\_component\_map * chore: update changelog * chore: support only py36 - py39 * chore: drop py27 from build * fix(inverse\_component\_map): not checking component for continue cond
* release(1.11.2): fix numpy deprecation of np.bool * fix: further fix numpy deprecation of np.bool * chore: fix numpy 1.20 deprecation of np.bool in favor of bool * chore: update setup.cfg
* release(1.11.1): python39 support * chore: make build\_linux.sh script generic * chore: add updated build system * fix: pbr couldn't see git repo
* release(1.11.0): unique(..., return\_index=True) now accelerated * feat(unique): adds return\_index to high performance paths (25) * chore: add .dockerignore * chore: update ChangeLog, tox.ini