What's Changed
Well, seems like it is the biggest patch release ever 😃
Detail Responses
First of all, thanks to all new contributors, who helps us to improve the project! They made a huge impact to this release by adding new Kafka security mechanisms and extend Response API - now you can use `broker.Response` to publish detail information from handler
async def handler(msg):
return Response(msg, headers={"response_header": "Hi!"}) or KafkaResponse, etc
Also, we added a new huge feature - [**ASGI** support](https://faststream.airt.ai/latest/getting-started/asgi/#other-asgi-compatibility)!
Nope, we are not HTTP-framework now, but it is a little ASGI implementation to provide you with an ability to host documentation, use k8s http-probes and serve metrics in the same with you broker runtime without any dependencies.
You just need to use **AsgiFastStream** class
from faststream.nats import NatsBroker
from faststream.asgi import AsgiFastStream, make_ping_asgi
from prometheus_client import make_asgi_app
from prometheus_client.registry import CollectorRegistry
broker = NatsBroker()
prometheus_registry = CollectorRegistry()
app = AsgiFastStream(
("/health", make_ping_asgi(broker, timeout=5.0)),
("/metrics", make_asgi_app(registry=prometheus_registry))
And then you can run it like a regular ASGI app
uvicorn main:app
Confluent partitions
One more thing - manual topic partition assignment for Confluent. We have it already for aiokafka, but missed it here... Now it was fixed!
from faststream.confluent import TopicPartition
TopicPartition("test-topic", partition=0),
async def handler():
Detail changes
* feat: add RMQ `fail_fast` option in 1647
* fix: correct nested `NatsRouter` subjects prefixes behavior
* fix typos by newonlynew in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1609
* Feat: extend response api by Flosckow in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1607
* Feature: GSSAPI (Kerberos) support by roma-frolov in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1633
* feat: add oauth support by filip-danieluk in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1632
* fix: patch broker within testbroker context only by sfran96 in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1619
* feat: ASGI support by Lancetnik in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1635
New Contributors
* newonlynew made their first contribution in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1609
* roma-frolov made their first contribution in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1633
* filip-danieluk made their first contribution in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1632
* sfran96 made their first contribution in https://github.com/airtai/faststream/pull/1619
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/airtai/faststream/compare/0.5.15...0.5.16