- ticker-util. See [here](
- tlh: allow specifying tlh_partner meta label. [Red S]
- tlh: also consider substantially similar tickers in wash sale computations. [Red S]
- tlh docs. [Red S]
- tlh new feature: wash_ids. [Red S]
- tlh wash_id: configurable metadata label, bugfixes. [Red S]
- tlh: what not to buy now includes similars. [Red S]
- rename env var to BEAN_COMMODITIES_FILE. [Red S]
- build: requirements via pigar. [Red S]
- doc: create changelog + gitchangelog config. [Red S]
- doc: examples. [Red S]
- doc: README upate. Relaxed requirements. [Red S]
- refactor: favainvestorapi cleanup. [Red S]
- refactor: upgrade deprecated asyncio code. [Red S]
- ticker-util: and ticker-relate: major refactor into a single utility. [Red S]
- ticker-util: available keys. [Red S]
- ticker-util: click: relate subcommand group. [Red S]
- ticker_util: feature: add from commodities file. [Red S]
- ticker-util: feature add: include undeclared. [Red S]
- ticker-util: features: specify metadata, appends as cli args. [Red S] also: empty substsimilar metadata is excluded
- ticker-util: header. [Red S]
- ticker-util: moved to click. [Red S]