- [SQL] Fix bugs in parsing of KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints
- Use better defaults for running the pipeline-manager (994) ([1011](
- WebConsole: Fix unable to delete orphaned output connectors,
SQL views in Pipeline Builder do not get removed when removed from the program ([854](
- WebConsole: Replace youtube link on Webconsole UI home page ([935](
- WebConsole: Kafka authentication protocol security.protocol field ([963](
- WebConsole: Differentiate compiling and pending in web-console editor ([695](
- WebConsole: Report number of parsing errors per connector ([776](
- WebConsole: Table browser doesn't always correctly apply updates - no longer reproduces ([635](
- WebConsole: MUI DataGridPro fails to load data on Next.js > 13.4.8-canary.9 - no longer reproduces ([494](
- WebConsole: Spacing for SQL icon is off in pipeline view ([932](
- WebConsole: Pipeline failure state in Pipeline Management isn't cleared immediately - no longer reproduces ([1012](
- REST API: Fold ResourceConfig into RuntimeConfig to allow users to configure resources ([1035](
- [SQL] New aggregation functions: `BIT_AND`, `BIT_OR`, `BIT_XOR`. Concatenation for `BINARY values`. `TO_HEX` function. ([996](
- pipeline-manager now exposes a scrape endpoint for metrics, starting with the compiler service ([1031](