**What is new?**
- Complex variable definitions.
- String constraint definitions.
- Improved Pareto-front generation for multi-objective exact optimization.
- Support for many-objective exact optimization.
- New multi-attribute decision-making methods in the FelooPy 0.3.0+ environment.
- Enhanced support for Python and Julia in optimization workflows.
- New exact optimization interfaces: `jump`, `mathopt`, and `pyoptinterface`.
- Model generation time reports.
- Enhanced data toolkit.
- Improved I/O data management.
- Better support for automatic linearization of constraint and objective terms.
- Resolved benchmarking and sensitivity analysis issues.
- Fixed issues with multi-objective heuristic optimization.
- Fixed issues with similarity analysis.
- Fixed errors in special constraints and linearization processes.
- Bug fixes and efficiency improvements.
- Planning to transition from environment-free to environment-based modeling.
- And more!
**Exciting News!**
FelooPy has introduced a new feature: the **Engine**. This tool simplifies the process of:
- Installing the CPython interpreter
- Creating a virtual environment
- Installing and updating the FelooPy package
**Important Notes:**
- This software (i.e., FelooPy Engine) is currently a work in progress and requires a reliable internet connection to interact with the official [Python.org](https://www.python.org/) and [PyPI.org](https://pypi.org/) websites.
- Supported Operating System: **Windows**
- After setting up the engine, if the PATH environment variable is not set, you need to configure it manually. Add "C:/Users/Username/Environments/flp-310/Scripts" (or the default path if it hasn't been changed) to your PATH variable. You might also try running the app with administrator permissions. For more information, refer to the feloopy_config.txt file, which is generated alongside feloopy-engine.exe after it runs.
You can download the file `feloopy-engine.exe` below. This software is portable and does not require installation.
| OS | Download |
| Windows | [](https://github.com/ktafakkori/feloopy/releases/download/0.3.5/feloopy-engine.exe)|