- New integral type custom_integral (`*dc`)
- Add analysis of which coefficients each integral actually uses to optimize assembly
- Improved svg rendering of cells and sobolevspaces in ipython notebook
- Add sobolev spaces, use notation "element in HCurl" (HCurl, HDiv, H1, H2, L2)
- Improved error checking of facet geometry in non-facet integrals
- Improved restriction handling, restricting continuous coefficients and constants is now optional
- Introduce notation from the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements (draft)
- Remove alias "Q" for quadrature element, use "Quadrature"
- New derivative type ReferenceGrad
- New discontinuous RT element
- New geometry types Jacobian, JacobianInverse, JacobianDeterminant
- New geometry types FacetJacobian, FacetJacobianInverse, FacetJacobianDeterminant
- New geometry types CellFacetJacobian, CellFacetJacobianInverse, CellFacetJacobianDeterminant
- New geometry types FacetOrigin, CellOrigin
- New geometry types CellCoordinate, FacetCoordinate
- New geometry types CellNormal, CellOrientation, QuadratureWeight
- Argument (and TestFunction, TrialFunction) now use absolute numbering f.number() instead of relative f.count()
- New syntax: integrand*dx(domain)
- New syntax: integrand*dx(1, domain=domain)
- New syntax: integrand*dx(1, subdomain_data=domain_data)
- Using domain instead of cell in many places.
- Deprecated notation 'cell.n', 'cell.x' etc.
- Recommended new notation: FacetNormal(domain)
- Experimental: Argument (and TestFunction, TrialFunction) now can have a specified part index for representing block systems
- Experimental: Domains can now be created with a Coefficient providing coordinates: Domain(Coefficient(VectorElement("CG", domain, 2)))
- Experimental: New concept Domain: domain = Domain(triangle, geometric_dimension=3, label="MyDomain")
- Various general optimizations
- Various minor bugfixes
- Various docstring improvements