- [x] Add option `--add` for `fenv new` for install packages after created virtualenv such `fenv new test_1 --add=[request,flet]` or `fenv new test_1 --add=request,flet` or `fenv new test_1 --add=request,flet` or `fenv new test_1 --add request,flet`
- [x] Add command `fenv clone <git url>` [](https://github.com/watchakorn-18k/Fenv/issues/7)  - [x] Optimize code to match case
- [x] An improved string using f-string format yassine20011 [pull/5/files](https://github.com/watchakorn-18k/Fenv/pull/5/files) - [x] Add installation instructions for Windows users using pipx yassine20011 [pull/5/files](https://github.com/watchakorn-18k/Fenv/pull/5/files)
- [x] Add command more `fenv deactivate` Command hint to deactivate virtual environment with folder - [x] Add command more `fenv activate` Command hint to activate virtual environment with folder
- Fix error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dotenv' and not show version fenv