Documentation, particularly code examples, has been updated to better
fit reality. They have also been added to the test suite, so they're
almost guaranteed to be updated when the API changes.
Backwards-incompatible changes
* Transformation of XHTML1.1+RDFa files to HTML5 is now done
using the new Transformer class, instead of the
DocumentRepository.transform_to_html method, which has been removed
* DocumentRepository.list_basefiles_for (which was a shortcut for
calling list_basefiles_for on the docrepos' store object) has been
removed. Typical change needed::
- for basefile in self.list_basefiles_for("parse"):
+ for basefile in self.store.list_basefiles_for("parse"):
New features:
* New ferenda.Transformer class (see above)
* A new decorator, ferenda.decorators.downloadmax, can be used to
limit the maximum number of documents that a docrepo will
download. It looks for eitther the "FERENDA_DOWNLOADMAX" environment
variable or the downloadmax configuration parameteter. This is
primarily useful for testing and trying out new docrepos.
* DocumentRepository.render_xhtml will now include RDFa statements for
all (non-BNode) subjects in doc.meta, not just the doc.uri
subject. This makes it possible to state that a document is written
by some person or published by some entity, and then include
metadata on that person/entity. It also makes it possible to
describe documents related to the main document, using the
information gleaned from the main document
* DocumentStore now has a intermediate_path method -- previously some
derived subclasses implemented their own, but now it's part of the
base class.
* ferenda.errors.DocumentRemovedError now has a dummyfile attribute,
which is used by ferenda.manager.run to avoid endless re-parsing of
downloaded files that do not contain an actual document.
* A new shim module, ferenda.compat (modelled after six.moves),
simplified imports of modules that may or may not be present in the
stdlib depending on python version. So far, this includes
OrderedDict, unittest and mock.
Infrastructural changes:
* Most of the bundled document repository classes in ferenda.sources
has been overhauled and adapted to the changes that has occurred to
the API since the old days.
* Continous integration and coverage is now set up with Travis-CI
(https://travis-ci.org/staffanm/ferenda/) and Coveralls