* Improvements and refactoring in the internals of the ``lightcurve``
method (see `156 <https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy/pull/156>`_,
`157 <https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy/pull/157>`_, `#160
<https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy/pull/160>`_, `#161
<https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy/pull/161>`_, `#162
<https://github.com/fermiPy/fermipy/pull/162>`_). Resolve fit
stability issues that were arising when the source of interest was
not significantly detected in a given time bin. Added options to
speed up source map calculation by rescaling source maps (enabled
with ``use_scaled_srcmap=True``) and split the lightcurve
calculation across N cores (enabled with ``multithread=True`` and
``nthread=N``). Add calculation of ``TS_var`` to test for
variability using method from the 2FGL.
* Updates to validation tools. Added MeritSkimmer script
(``fermipy-merit-skimmer``) for skimming ROOT merit tuples either
locally or on xrootd.