What's Changed
* changed how festim reads the surface markers to work with meshes from meshio by jhdark in https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/pull/299
* Raise an error when duplicate ids in trap by RemDelaporteMathurin in https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/pull/301
* Project solubility temperature by jhdark in https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/pull/297
* Fix 2 ids per material heat transfer by RemDelaporteMathurin in https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/pull/306
* Raise error when steady state sims don't converge by RemDelaporteMathurin in https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/pull/307
* Merge to master by RemDelaporteMathurin in https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/pull/300
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/FESTIM/compare/v0.6.0...v0.7.0