Current Status: Pre-Release
- The minimum required python version is now 3.8 (down from 3.9). This should enable installing fibsem on older systems that cannot be updated from Windows 7.
- Both fibsem and autolamella can now be run in 'headless' mode without the UI (or requiring it's dependencies). This is used for embedding openfibsem into other standalone applications.
- The machine learning dependencies (used for more advanced methods) are now optional.
- Instaling packages is now slightly different to reflect these optional dependencies:
pip install fibsem only install fibsem headless mode
pip install fibsem[ui] install fibsem + ui dependencies
pip install fibsem[ui,ml] install fibsem + ui and ml dependencies
- The milling code has been consolidated into the fibsem.milling module.
milling base milling structures core milling workflow
patterning/ pattern definitions plotting utilities
strategy/ standard (default) milling strategy
... additional strategy files
- Milling patterns directly store parameters, instead of reading in a protocol dictionary.
- Some patterns have had their parameter names adjusted for clarity and generality:
Trench, HorseshoePattern, HorseshoeVertical
- Trench based parameters have been adjusted:
- lamella_width -> width
- lamella_height -> height
- size_ratio -> split into upper_trench_height, lower_trench_height
- Loading an older protocol in autolamella should automatically convert to the new format. If older protocols are not read correctly, consider it a bug and please get in contact.
- RectangleOffset patterns have been removed, as their purpose was to position rectangle patterns via the protocol. The position of patterns can be directly specified in prootocol, using point: {x, y}
Milling Stage
- Estimated milling time can now be calculated independently from the microscope. This will be less accurate than the real duration calculated during milling.
- Milling stages now have additional configuration options:
Milling Strategy
- Previously, openfibsem only supported a basic milling process; Set milling settings, draw patterns, mill patterns, restore imaging settings. Milling strategies enable customising the milling process.
- Currently only Standard and Overtilt milling are implemented, but more will be added in the future.
- Developers can add additional strategies by implementing the spec in milling.base, and register them using a plugin-style registry:
from fibsem.milling.strategy import register_strategy
from custom_strategy import CustomMillingStrategy
Milling Alignment
- Previously, aligning milling currents was only available via the autolamella option (align_at_milling_current). This was not straightforward to use or easily discoverable.
- Initial milling alignment is now available for each stage. This will acquire an image after changing to the milling current and re-align to the imaging current. By default it will use the alignment area (fiducial area) defined in autolamella.
- Interval based drift correction will be enabled in the next version (v0.4.1)
Milling Acquisition
- You can now specify to acquire an image at the end of each milling stage. The acquisition settings can be adjusted per stage.
User Interface:
- Parameters now display units directly on the control (rather than the label)
- Tooltips are being added to UI elements to help explain different parameters and options.
- Acquire Image has been split into individual channels (Acquire SEM/ Acquire FIB)
- You can now show/hide milling patterns in the UI.
- You can now pause and resume milling from the UI.
- You can now select individual stages to mill, rather than having to mill all at once.
- Advanced options have been added to the imaging UI (e.g. line integration)
Developer Notes:
- New tools are available for debugging milling patterns:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fibsem import utils
from fibsem.milling import get_milling_stages
from fibsem.milling.patterning.plotting import draw_milling_patterns
from fibsem.structures import FibsemImage
load protocol
PROTOCOL_PATH = "/path/to/protocol/protocol-on-grid.yaml"
protocol = utils.load_protocol(PROTOCOL_PATH)
get the milling stages
stages = get_milling_stages("mill_rough", settings.protocol["milling"])
stages.extend(get_milling_stages("mill_polishing", settings.protocol["milling"]))
stages.extend(get_milling_stages("microexpansion", settings.protocol["milling"]))
create a blank image
image = FibsemImage.generate_blank_image(hfw=stages[0].milling.hfw)
plot the milling stages
fig = draw_milling_patterns(image, stages)
- More milling data is now logged at each stage, and can be exported to run analysis. The milling related data is exported in milling.csv (see AutoLamella v0.4.0)
Experimental Features
- There is now an experimental writer for exporting openfibsem images in OME-TIFF format. This will be enabled as default in the next version (v0.4.1). This should enable other applications (e.g. ImageJ) to open the images and read the metadata correctly.