
Latest version: v1.8.3

Safety actively analyzes 707435 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- The extractor supports a wider range of stories. ("Fixed" the Issue 16.)


- Threadmarks are no longer skipped in XenForo stories with a higher number of chapters. (Issue 15.)



- Updated the Literotica extractor.


- AO3 authentication works once again.



- Updated the Quotev extractor.



- **(Issue 11)** extractor ought to be able to download pages once more. f-dl now uses [cloudscraper]( to bypass bot protection provided by Cloudflare.


- Added authentication support to the AO3 extractor.
- Reworked authentication using the XenForo extractor.


- Provided username and password are now remembered during the session by all the extractors using this method of authentication.



- Create a logo for the application.
- Added the "f-dl" alias for the application executable.


- Added an extractor for Quotev.
- Added an extractor for WuxiaWorld.
- Added an extractor for
- Added an extractor for
- Added an extractor for

- Added collection support to the extractor.
- Added channel support to the HPFF extractor.
- Added channel support to the AdultFanfiction extractor.
- Added series support to the Literotica extractor.


- Added the application logo to all output file templates.
- Improved the HTML output template.


- Improved line-break processing.


- Resolved Issue 2.
- Resolved Issue 7.
- Resolved Issue 9.

- Improved the way in which the LibreOffice executable is located.
- Improved exception handling during image downloading process.


- Improved the look of the HTML template for a message page (the one displayed after the user logs-in to Reddit).



- Added a missing dependency in the ** file (*dreamy-utilities*).

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