Released on June 28th 2011, codename Grappa
- Added :meth:`~flask.Flask.make_default_options_response`
which can be used by subclasses to alter the default
behavior for ``OPTIONS`` responses.
- Unbound locals now raise a proper :exc:`RuntimeError` instead
of an :exc:`AttributeError`.
- Mimetype guessing and etag support based on file objects is now
deprecated for :func:`flask.send_file` because it was unreliable.
Pass filenames instead or attach your own etags and provide a
proper mimetype by hand.
- Static file handling for modules now requires the name of the
static folder to be supplied explicitly. The previous autodetection
was not reliable and caused issues on Google's App Engine. Until
1.0 the old behavior will continue to work but issue dependency
- fixed a problem for Flask to run on jython.
- added a ``PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS`` configuration variable that can be
used to flip the setting of exception propagation which previously
was linked to ``DEBUG`` alone and is now linked to either ``DEBUG`` or
- Flask no longer internally depends on rules being added through the
`add_url_rule` function and can now also accept regular werkzeug
rules added to the url map.
- Added an `endpoint` method to the flask application object which
allows one to register a callback to an arbitrary endpoint with
a decorator.
- Use Last-Modified for static file sending instead of Date which
was incorrectly introduced in 0.6.
- Added `create_jinja_loader` to override the loader creation process.
- Implemented a silent flag for `config.from_pyfile`.
- Added `teardown_request` decorator, for functions that should run at the end
of a request regardless of whether an exception occurred. Also the behavior
for `after_request` was changed. It's now no longer executed when an exception
is raised. See :ref:`upgrading-to-new-teardown-handling`
- Implemented :func:`flask.has_request_context`
- Deprecated `init_jinja_globals`. Override the
:meth:`~flask.Flask.create_jinja_environment` method instead to
achieve the same functionality.
- Added :func:`flask.safe_join`
- The automatic JSON request data unpacking now looks at the charset
mimetype parameter.
- Don't modify the session on :func:`flask.get_flashed_messages` if there
are no messages in the session.
- `before_request` handlers are now able to abort requests with errors.
- it is not possible to define user exception handlers. That way you can
provide custom error messages from a central hub for certain errors that
might occur during request processing (for instance database connection
errors, timeouts from remote resources etc.).
- Blueprints can provide blueprint specific error handlers.
- Implemented generic :ref:`views` (class-based views).