
Latest version: v0.4.0

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Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Marco Braun (:user:`vindelico`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Sarah-Claude Bourdeau-Goulet (:user:`Sarahclaude`), Éric Dupuis (:user:`coxipi`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`).

New features and enhancements
* `figanos` now supports Python 3.12. (:pull:`210`).
* Use list or ndarray as levels for colorbar in gridmap and small bug fixes (:pull:`176`).
* Added style sheet ``transparent.mplstyle`` (:issue:`183`, :pull:`185`)
* Fix ``NaN`` issues, extreme values in sizes legend and added ``edgecolors`` in ``fg.matplotlib.scattermap`` (:pull:`184`).
* New function ```` for fetching package data and defined `matplotlib` style definitions. (:pull:`211`).
* New argument ``enumerate_subplots`` for `gridmap`, `timeseries`, `hatchmap` and `scattermap`(:pull:`220`).
* ``fg.taylordiagram`` can now accept datasets with many dimensions (not only `taylor_params`), provided that they all share the same `ref_std` (e.g. normalized taylor diagrams) (:pull:`214`).
* A new optional way to organize points in a ``fg.taylordiagram`` with `colors_key`, `markers_key` : DataArrays with a common dimension value or a common attribute are grouped with the same color/marker (:pull:`214`).
* Heatmap (``fg.matplotlib.heatmap``) now supports `row,col` arguments in `plot_kw`, allowing to plot a grid of heatmaps. (:issue:`208`, :pull:`219`).
* New function ``fg.matplotlib.triheatmap`` (:pull:`199`).
* Reorganized the documentation and add gallery (:issue:`278`, :issue:`274`, :issue:`202`, :pull:`279`).
* Added a new `pooch`-based mechanism for fetching and caching testing data used in the notebooks (``fg.pitou().fetch()``). (:pull:`279`).
* No-legend option in ``hatchmap``; use ``edgecolor`` and ``edgecolors`` as aliases (:pull:`195`)

Breaking changes
* `figanos` no longer supports Python 3.8. (:pull:`210`).
* `figanos` now uses a `'src' layout <>`_ for the package. (:pull:`210`).
* `cartopy` has been pinned above v0.23.0 due to a licensing issue. (:pull:`210`).
* `twine` and `wheel` have been removed from the ``dev`` requirements. (:pull:`210`).
* ``fg.taylordiagram`` returns a tuple of `(fig, floating_ax, legend)` instead of only `floating_ax`. (:pull:`214`).

Internal changes
* Updated the `cookiecutter` template to the latest version. (:pull:`168`):
* Addresses a handful of misconfigurations in the GitHub Workflows.
* Updated `ruff` to v0.2.0 and `black` to v24.2.0.
* Removed several unnecessary `noqa` comments from the codebase. (:pull:`168`).
* Updated the `cookiecutter` template to the latest version. (:pull:`210`):
* GitHub Workflows have been updated to point to commits rather than tags.
* The `dependabot` configuration has been updated to run updates on a monthly schedule.
* Updated `ruff` to v0.3.0 and `black` to v24.4.2.
* `CHANGES.rst` has been renamed to `CHANGELOG.rst`.
* Maintainer-specific documentation has been added to new documentation page `releasing.rst`.
* `figanos` now has a `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst` file adapting the Contributor Covenant v2.1 conventions. (:pull:`210`).
* Updated the `cookiecutter` template to the latest version. (:pull:`246`):
* Styling conventions now use ruff and numpydoc-validation to ensure code and docstrings are valid.
* `tox` now uses `tox-gh` to help automate build configurations on GitHub Workflows.
* CI configurations have been updated to use hashed commits for PyPI-sourced dependencies.
* `flake8-alphabetize` has been replaced with `ruff` for some linting checks.
* Updated the notebook coding conventions to adapt to changes in `xclim-testdata`. (:pull:`246`).
* Workflows now make better use of caching to speed up the CI testing process. (:pull:`262`).
* Updated the `cookiecutter` template to the latest version. (:pull:`273`):
* Several development dependencies have been updated to their latest versions.
* Updated the GitHub Actions in Workflows to their latest versions.
* The documentation has been adapted to use the latest testing data fetching mechanism from `xclim`. (:pull:`273`).
* Updated the `cookiecutter` template to the latest version. Dependencies and GitHub Actions have been updated. (:pull:`282`).
* The `bump-version.yml` GitHub Workflow has been updated to use the Ouranos Helper Bot instead of personal access tokens. (:pull:`287`).
* Updated the `cookiecutter` template to the latest version. (:pull:`295`):
* Added a CodeQL Advanced configuration.
* Updated versions of many GitHub Actions and Python dependencies.
* Removed `coveralls` from the CI dependencies.
* Added `pre-commit` hooks for `vulture` (dead code) and `codespell` (typos).

Bug fixes
* Creating the colormap in `fg.matplotlib.scattermap` is now done like `fg.matplotlib.gridmap` (:pull:`238`, :issue:`239`).
* Updated the default testing data URL in the `pitou` function to point to the correct branch. (:pull:`282`).

.. _changes_0.3.0:


Contributors to this version: Sarah-Claude Bourdeau-Goulet (:user:`Sarahclaude`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`).

New features and enhancements
* New function ``fg.matplotlib.hatchmap`` (:pull:`107`).
* Support for translating figures. Activating a locale through `xclim`'s ``metadata_locales`` option will try to use metadata saved by `xclim` or `xscen` in this locale and to translate common terms appearing in the figures. `figanos` currently ships with French translations of those terms. (:pull:`109`, :issue:`64`).
* New ``figanos.Logos`` class added to manage and install logos stored in user's Home configuration directory. The ``figanos.utils.plot_logo`` function call signature has changed to support the new system. (:issue:`115`, :pull:`119`).
* Logo sizing and placement now depends on `scikit-image` for resizing, and uses ``"width"`` and ``"height"`` instead of ``"zoom"``. (:issue:`123`, :pull:`119`).
* Logo plotting now supports both PNG and SVG file types (via `cairosvg`). (:pull:`119`).
* Use small geojson in the notebook. (:pull:`124`).
* Add the Colours of Figanos page (:issue:`126`, :pull:`127`).
* Figanos now adheres to PEPs 517/518/621 using the `flit` backend for building and packaging. (:pull:`135`).
* New function ``fg.partition`` (:pull:`134`).
* Add wrapper around ``xarray.plot.facetgrid`` for map functions (``fg.gridmap``, ``fg.scattermap``, ``fg.hatchmap``). (:issue:`51`, :pull:`136`).
* `figanos` now uses `Semantic Versioning v2.0 <>`_. (:pull:`143`).
* Add wrapper around ``xarray.plot.facetgrid`` for multiple functions (``fg.gridmap``, ``fg.scattermap``, ``fg.hatchmap``, ``fg.timeseries``). (:issue:`51`, :pull:`136`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed packaging issue with the `` not bundling a YAML file loaded on import. (:pull:`118`).

Internal changes
* Clean up of the dependencies to remove the notebooks deps from the core deps.
* `figanos` now uses Trusted Publishing to publish the package on PyPI and TestPyPI. (:pull:`113`).
* The official Ouranos logos have been removed from the repository. They can now be installed if required via the ``figanos.Logos.install_ouranos_logos`` class method. (:issue:`115`, :pull:`119`).
* Documentation adjustments. (:pull:`121`):
* Added a few `pre-commit` hooks for cleaning up notebooks and ensuring that docstrings are properly formatted.
* Cleaned up the docstrings of a few functions, added some module-level strings, minor typo fixes.
* Set `nbsphinx` in the documentation to always run (with th exception of one complex cell).
* The `environment-dev.yml` Python version is set to `3.11` to reduce the dependency solver complexity.
* The `cookiecutter` template has been updated to the latest commits via `cruft`. (:pull:`138`, :pull:`143`):
* ``, `requirements_dev.txt`, `requirements_docs.txt` and `` have been removed.
* `pyproject.toml` has been added, with most package configurations migrated into it.
* `HISTORY.rst` has been renamed to `CHANGES.rst`.
* `dependabot` has been added to the GitHub workflows to manage workflow and package dependency pins.
* `bump-version.yml` has been added to automate patch versioning of the package.
* `pre-commit` hooks have been updated to the latest versions; `check-toml` and `toml-sort` have been added to cleanup the `pyproject.toml` file.
* `ruff` has been added to the linting tools to replace most `flake8` and `pydocstyle` verifications.
* GitHub workflows now run proper pytest suites for `conda`-based testing.
* `figanos` now uses the `actions/labeler` action to automatically label pull requests based on their content.
* GitHub workflows are now using the `step-security/harden-runner` action to harden the runner environment.
* The OpenSSF `scorecard.yml` workflow has been added to the GitHub workflows to evaluate package security.

Bug fixes
* Fixed an issue with the `divergent` argument getting ignored (:pull:`132`).
* Some small documentation fixes for working uniquely in a `conda` environment. (:pull:`138`).

.. _changes_0.2.0:


Contributors to this version: Sarah-Claude Bourdeau-Goulet (:user:`Sarahclaude`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`).

New features and enhancements
* Improved documentation to reduce warnings, now using the `sphinx-book-theme`. (:pull:`97`, :pull:`98`).
* Python3.7 support has been dropped. (:pull:`100`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed issue in environment.yml that was installing two versions of cartopy. (:pull:`97`).

Internal changes
* Updated autogenerated boilerplate (Ouranosinc/cookiecutter-pypackage) via `cruft`. (:pull:`100`):
* General updates to pre-commit hooks, development dependencies, documentation.
* Added configurations for Pull Request and Issues templates, Zenodo.
* Documentation now makes use of sphinx directives for usernames, issues, and pull request hyperlinks (via `sphinx.ext.extlinks`).
* GitHub Workflows have been added for automated testing, and publishing.
* Some sphinx extensions have been added/enabled (`sphinx-codeautolink`, `sphinx-copybutton`).
* Automated testing with `tox` now updated to use v4.0+ conventions.
* Removed all references to ``.

.. _changes_0.1.0:


Contributors to this version: Sarah-Claude Bourdeau-Goulet (:user:`Sarahclaude`), Alexis Beaupré-Laperrière (:user:`Beauprel`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`).

* First release on PyPI.



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