
Latest version: v4.0.1

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Typo corrections in the readme file


This is a new major release that is not backward compatible with the previous releases. This release adds split by line count functionality. The method names have been renamed to use specific split types for ease of use and extensibility.

**Full Changelog**:



Bug fix for module throwing exception when using ``newline`` set to ``True`` and ``include_header`` set to ``False``


Here is what changed from previous versions

* v3.0.0 is not backward compatible to the previous versions. This is for good, following a futuristic approach.

* ``FileSplit`` class has been renamed to ``Filesplit``

* Added logging functionality

* ``splitbyencoding()`` method has been removed and the functionality has been moved to ``split()`` method.

* Added support for splitting unstructured files including binary files.

* Merge functionality has been introduced to merge the split files back.

* Performance optimizations.


This release works only with Python v3. Any previous release would no longer be supported.

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