- Allocations in C threads are now considered allocations by the Python code that launched the thread, to help give some sense of where they came from. ([72](https://github.com/pythonspeed/filprofiler/issues/72))
- It's now possible to run Fil by doing `python -m filprofiler` in addition to running it as `fil-profile`. ([82](https://github.com/pythonspeed/filprofiler/issues/82))
- Small performance improvements reducing overhead of malloc()/free() tracking. ([88](https://github.com/pythonspeed/filprofiler/issues/88) and [#95](https://github.com/pythonspeed/filprofiler/issues/95))
- When running in Jupyter, NumPy/BLOSC/etc. thread pools are only limited to one thread when actually running a Fil profile. This means Fil's Jupyter kernel is even closer to running the way a normal Python 3 kernel would. ([72](https://github.com/pythonspeed/filprofiler/issues/72))