* **fetch:** Set folder envelope to autofill children (70 in [`87fc64b`](https://github.com/MadeInPierre/finalynx/commit/87fc64bdda556bfa386d9e5df34335f427cd262a))
* **fetch:** Fetch refactor, create FetchLine and autoset amount+currency (70 in [`7b7bd16`](https://github.com/MadeInPierre/finalynx/commit/7b7bd162f74a266718e97f69aca94888f9c8b8e8))
Feature 1: Refactor
Cleaned the fetching file's structure, hopefully it's now a bit better to read despite the API parsing bloat...
Feature 2: Use account names to differentiate Lines
Declare envelopes where either the `name` (used in renders and fetching) or `key` (only used in fetching) attribute must be equal to the account name declared in your Finary account:
av_linxea = AV("My AV", "AV ", date(2022, 7, 1), key="LINXEA Spirit 2")
Then, set your Line's envelope to use this account's key as an additional filter:
Line(..., key="finary_key", envelope=av_linxea)
:warning: Some Finary names and keys may change once this version is merged, sorry, you may have to update your keys...
Feature 2: Set a Folder's envelope to automatically fill its Lines
You can now also set an envelope to a Folder:
Folder(..., envelope=av_linxea) no need to set children!
and all fetched lines in this envelope will be automatically added to this folder.