Fixed - Prefix path for release notes in Github action.
Changed - Update action for publishing Github release.
Added - Add `--recurrent-only` option for `list` command. Filtering using `-f` and sorting using `--entry-sort` are supported. (51) - Support updating `end` field for recurrent entries as unset (i.e. indicating no end). - Support updating `category` field for entries as unset (i.e. indicating unspecified category). Changed - Use `black` as code formatter. Removed - Remove support for Python 3.5 for good (broken since v0.26.1.0 anyways). (59) Deprecated - The `convert-periods-to-pocket` command will be removed in version `1.0.0`.
Fixed - Avoid crash in `cli._parse_command()` when using plugin without `cli_options` attribute.
Added - Support extending `fina` CLI in plugins by providing a `plugin.PluginCliOptions` utility class.
Added - Add `-r`/`--recurrent` option as alias for `-t recurrent` for several commands. (68) - dependabot configuration for automated dependency updates. - Officially support Python 3.10. Changed - Update dependencies `tinydb`, `python-dateutil`, and `argcomplete`. - Use more modern package structure (`setup.cfg` file, `build` for building wheels). (67)