**Closed issues:**
- Vertical Loop Fusion (155)
- Position Space Wrapper (156)
- Post-PLDI Code Cleanup (292)
- implement update protocol for SparseMatrixCSC and SparseVector (320)
- all direct references to fields of the ctx should become getters/setters/etc (324)
- Add an internal docs section describing virtual functions (325)
- make the interface to looplets more uniform (326)
- Abstract types with docs (327)
- Add indexing tests (332)
- Improvements to the loop ordering heuristic (568)
- support non-boolean dtypes in `any` and `all` (575)
- Incorrect eltype in `tensordot` for `Complex` inputs (576)
- `tensordot` - input and output eltypes differences (577)
- `maximum`, `minimum` always return `float` eltype (578)
- SparseByteMap Follow Protocol Incorrect Results (580)