Note worthy changes
- account: Added setting ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH for
specifying the minimum password length.
- socialaccount: Added generic OAuth2 support. Added GitHub
support as proof of concept.
- socialaccount: More refactoring: generic provider & OAuth
consumer approach. Added LinkedIn support to test this approach.
- socialaccount: Introduced generic models for storing social
apps, accounts and tokens in a central and consistent manner,
making way for adding support for more account providers. Note:
there is more refactoring to be done -- this first step only
focuses on the database models.
- account: E-mail confirmation mails are now automatically resent
whenever a user attempts to login with an unverified e-mail
Backwards incompatible changes
- Upgrade your ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS``: Replace ``allauth.<provider>``
(where provider is one of ``twitter``, ``facebook`` or ``openid``) with
- All provider related models (``FacebookAccount``, ``FacebookApp``,
``TwitterAccount``, ``TwitterApp``, ``OpenIDAccount``) have been unified
into generic ``SocialApp`` and ``SocialAccount`` models. South migrations
are in place to move the data over to the new models, after which
the original tables are dropped. Therefore, be sure to run migrate
using South.