
Latest version: v2.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Fixed extension module detection that never worked on Python 3. See `pull
request 29 <>`_.

- Add ``--attr``/``-A`` to add arbitrary graphviz `graph attributes
<>`_ to the output. See `pull
request 30 <>`_.



- Add support for Python 3.12.

- Change license from GPL to MIT. See `issue 27

- Add ``--package-externals``/``-pE`` to simplify the module graph.

- Add ``--rmprefix PREFIX``/``-R PREFIX`` to remove a package prefix from
displayed names.

- Add ``--depth N``/``-D N`` to ignore import statements nested too deep in the
syntax tree (e.g. in functions or if statements).



- Rewrote command-line parsing to use argparse. Options that select an action
(``--imports``/``--dot``/``--names``/``--unused``) now conflict instead of
all but the last one being ignored. See `pull request 20

- Add support for Python 3.11.

- Drop support for Python 3.6.



- Add support for Python 3.10.

- Add ``--ignore-stdlib`` flag to ignore modules from the Python standard



- Add ``--ignore`` flag to ignore files and directories, it can be used multiple
times. See `pull request 14 <>`_.

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