
Latest version: v2.6.6

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* Improvement in the detection of valleys for 2d-arrays by walking in a reversed manner throughout the topology method.
* Added input parameter: whitelist to filter for 'peaks' and/or 'valleys'


* In case of 2d-images, the topology method can now also detect valleys.


* When analysing 2d images, the peak and valley are removed from the output. The coordinates can still be found in `results['persistence']`.


* Fix for issue 5, x and y, coordinates in results['persistence'] are now correctly presented
* some code refactoring
* updating plots
* Fix in caerus, if no region were detected. Labels are set to False (not not True)


* Adding Caerus into findpeaks to analyze stock-market data
* Update docstrings


* Bug fix in case a peak is detected twice. A loc statement returns unique events and is now changed into iloc which solves the bug

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