- Support for Lightning and PyTorch ``2.5.0``
- FTS support for PyTorch's composable distributed (e.g. ``fully_shard``, ``checkpoint``) and Tensor Parallelism (TP) APIs
- Support for Lightning's ``ModelParallelStrategy``
- Experimental 'Auto' FSDP2 Plan Configuration feature, allowing application of the ``fully_shard`` API using module
name/pattern-based configuration instead of manually inspecting modules and applying the API in ``LightningModule.configure_model``
- FSDP2 'Auto' Plan Convenience Aliases, simplifying use of both composable and non-composable activation checkpointing APIs
- Flexible orchestration of advanced profiling combining multiple complementary PyTorch profilers with FTS ``MemProfiler``
- removed support for PyTorch `2.1`