We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado 0.2.17.
This release is just upgrading cartola, redis and sqlalchemy versions.
The new feature from cartola will open an space so we can start do create a more dynamic framework.
Feb 27, 2022
We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado 0.2.16.
This release is consolidating the service decorated for sqlalchemy sessions and introducing an exception catch all to not handled exceptions raised by scheduled jobs.
Here are the highlights:
Bug Fixes
* Handle uncaught exception/error while loading/running a scheduled job bug. 349
New Features
* Close session created inside the sessioned decorator. 394
Jan 30, 2022
We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado 0.2.15.
At this release we added a service decorator to help handle sqlalchemy sessions.
Here are the highlights:
Bug Fixes
* Change dashed parameters to underscored ones in setup.cfg. 385
New Features
* Create a decorator to handle shared sqlalchemy sessions between mehtods. 377 * Add shortcut properties to help get components from the scheduler and scheduled job. 387
Dec 09, 2021
We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado 0.2.14.
Fixed pagination api as implemented in the new Cartola 0.14 and replaced travis by github actions for testing.
We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado 0.2.13.
This release is adding a new way to create sqlalchemy data sources and fixing the xheaders warning when no xheaders parameter is defined in the application configuration.
Here are the highlights:
Bug Fixes
* If xheaders isn't defined in an application firenado will always warn about it. 374
New Features
* Define a sqlalchemy using parameters instead url. 70
Oct 23, 2021
We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado 0.2.12.
Here are the highlights:
Bug Fixes
* Add xheaders configuration item to the application section. 370 * Create a sqlalchemy fast count method. 371