FitBenchmarking is an open source tool for comparing different minimizers/fitting frameworks. FitBenchmarking is cross platform and we support Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
Fitting a mathematical model to data is a fundamental task across all scientific disciplines. (At least) three groups of people have an interest in fitting software:
- Scientists, who want to know what is the best algorithm for fitting their model to data they might encounter, on their specific hardware;
- Scientific software developers, who want to know what is the state-of-the-art in fitting algorithms and implementations, what they should recommend as their default solver, and if they should implement a new method in their software; and
- Mathematicians and numerical software developers, who want to understand the types of problems on which current algorithms do not perform well, and to have a route to expose newly developed methods to users.
Representatives of each of these communities have got together to build FitBenchmarking. We hope this tool will help foster fruitful interactions and collaborations across the disciplines.
This is our first release and we are actively working to expand the offerings of FitBenchmarking! If you have any feature requests or would like to be involved as a contributer please create an issue or pull request.