- Added test function to template context. [malthe]
- Fixed edge-case (special case?) where the view of a
ViewPageTemplateFile is really only the view for a view. [malthe]
- Added patch for ``Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile``. [malthe]
- Rework the "full namespace provided to path expression" change introduced
in 0.3. We no longer call the expensive locals() function but construct a
minimal namespace with the context and request ourselves. [hannosch]
- If the ``__get__`` method is called uninstantiated, just return the
class itself. [malthe]
five.pt 0.4 (released 2/13/2009)
- Fixed issue where the ``template`` parameter to a viewlet manager
directive was effectively ignored. [malthe]
- Fixed acquisition-wrapping issue with the (patched) bound template
class (could cause infinite loop due to cyclic acquisition
chain). [malthe]
- Moved evaluate_path and evaluate_exists over to ``z3c.pt``, adding
support for global ``path()`` and ``exists()`` functions for use in
``python:`` expressions to it (LP 317967). [sidnei]
five.pt 0.3 (released 12/17/2008)
- Use bobo traversal if ``OFS.interfaces.ITraversable`` interface is
provided. [malthe]
- Adjusted the path expression to provide the full namespace to the render
function and not just the request. This matches Zope2 behavior. [hannosch]
five.pt 0.2 (released 11/29/2008)
- From Zope 2.12 onwards, do not acquisition-wrap content
provider. [malthe]
- Split out CMF-related code to separate package. [malthe]
- Compatibility changes to support Zope 2.10. [malthe]
five.pt 0.1 (released 11/19/2008)
- Initial release.
- Simplified template class inheritance. [malthe]
- Added ``path`` and ``exists`` functions to skin template
namespace. [malthe]
- Added call-support for old-style classes in path
expressions. [malthe]
- Added monkey-patches to replace template engine for module-level
view page template instances. [malthe]
- Made `EContext` class more robust. [malthe]
- Register custom file-system page template class for use with CMF
form controllers. [malthe]
- Register custom file-system page template class for use with CMF
directory views. [malthe]
- Added meta-directives to register browser views, viewlets and
viewlet managers using Chameleon templates. [malthe]
- Updated to latest API. [malthe]
- Package structure. [hannosch]