
Latest version: v1.0.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 682471 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

This is an administrative release, primarily to update officially supported
Python and flake8 versions. There should be no plugin behavior changes between
this version and v1.0.0.1.


- Support for Python 3.12 was officially added

- Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 was officially removed, though the plugin
should continue to work for Python 3.6+

- The minimum supported flake8 version is now 5.0


- `MANIFEST.in` was augmented with the files needed to allow the test suite to
run from an unpacked sdist.

- The build metadata was completely migrated from `setup.cfg` to
`pyproject.toml`, and the maximum possible metadata is now drawn from
`pyproject.toml` (all but `long_description`).

- The read of the project version and the load of the README contents in
`setup.py` was modernized/improved.


- Python versions in the GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines matrices were updated.

- An Azure Pipelines job was added to confirm that a built sdist carries all the
files needed to allow the test suite to run.

- Obscure parameters/variables in some tests were given better names, and string
formatting was upgraded to use f-strings.

This is an administrative/metadata release, primarily to update officially
supported Python versions. There should be no behavior changes between
this version and v1.0.0.


- Support for Python 3.10 and 3.11-dev was officially added.

- Support for Python 3.5 was officially removed, though the plugin should remain


- Support for running the `tox` matrix on Windows was removed (it doesn't seem
to work right with the batch-files-in-bin-folder approach I use for multiple
Pythons in development).

- Routine CI was switched from Travis CI to GitHub Actions.

- CI and `tox` versions were updated to focus on Python 3.10.

- `pytest` and `coverage` configs were revised to avoid `source`/`include`
collision in `coverage`.


- `setuptools` configuration has been mostly ported to `setup.cfg`, except for the
pieces that still need to be defined dynamically.

- Built artifacts for distribution should now be created using `build`, which
has been added to `requirements-dev.txt`.



- Detect any relative imports and report with error code ABS101.



Has known vulnerabilities

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