New features
- New link mechanisms: when using links inside the configuration format (`!`) there is now a different syntax for schematic paths and attribute paths. You can reference objects as shown in the config using the bracket notation(ex: `trainer[model][encoder]`), while you can refer to object attributes using dot notation, as it is done now (ex: `trainer[model][encoder].input_dim`). See documentation for more information.
- New objects: `Transformer`, `TransformerEncoder` and `TransformerDecoder`
- New objects: `TransformerSRU`, `TransformerSRUEncoder`, `TransformerSRUDecoder` (a variant of the Transformer architecture where the FFN is replaced with an SRU cell)
- New pytorch-transformers integration with all the available objects: `BertEmbedder`, `RobertaEmbedder`, `TransoXLEmbedder`, `XLNetEmbedder`, etc.. The equivalent text field objects are also provided. These objects are meant to be used to load pretrained models and to possibly be finetuned, not for training from scratch. You can load any pretrained model with a simple alias: `BertEmbedder('bert-base-uncased')`
- Positional encoding was added as an option to the `Embeddings` object. They can be fixed or learned.
- The `Embedder` now supports custom pooling. Currently implemented: `AvgPooling`, `SumPooling`, `LastPooling`, `FirstPooling`.
- There is now a way to get the current trial output directory for custom outputs: `flambe.logging.get_trial_dir`
- `WordTokenizer` now tokenizes punctuation
- `NGramTokenizer` now supports stop words removal
- The `Trainer` now evaluates before starting training
Breaking changes
- The new linking mechanism may cause some errors. For example, the common `train.model.trainable_parameters` link in configurations will not work anymore, as the trainer is not initialized yet in this scenario. The correct link is now `train[model].trainable_parameters`
- `PooledRNNEncoder` is deprecated but can still be used in this version
- The `autogen_val_test` method in TabularDataset was renamed `autogen` and supports a test_path input
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the AUC for max_fpr < 1 was computed wrong
Fixed a bug that prevented loading a saved components containing extensions