* Fixed XSS vulnerability * Support nested categories in the navbar menu * SQLAlchemy * sort on multiple columns with `column_default_sort` * sort on related models in `column_sortable_list` * show searchable fields in search input's placeholder text * fix: inline model forms can now also be used for models with multiple primary keys * support for using mapped `column_property` * Upgrade Leaflet and Leaflet.draw plugins, used for geoalchemy integration * Specify `minimum_input_length` for ajax widget * Peewee: support composite keys * MongoEngine: when searching/filtering the input is now regarded as case-insensitive by default * FileAdmin * handle special characters in filename * fix a bug with listing directories on Windows * avoid raising an exception when unknown sort parameter is encountered * WTForms 3 support
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* Fixed XSS vulnerability * Fixed Peewee support * Added detail view column formatters * Updated Flask-Login example to work with the newer version of the library * Various SQLAlchemy-related fixes * Various Windows related fixes for the file admin
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* Dropped Python 2.6 support * Fixed SQLAlchemy >= 1.2 compatibility * Fixed Pewee 3.0 compatibility * Fixed max year for a combo date inline editor * Lots of small bug fixes
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* Fixed CSRF generation logic for multi-process deployments * Added WTForms >= 3.0 support * Flask-Admin would not recursively save inline models, allowing arbitrary nesting * Added configuration properties that allow injection of additional CSS and JS dependencies into templates without overriding them * SQLAlchemy backend - Updated hybrid property detection using new SQLAlchemy APIs - Added support for association proxies - Added support for remote hybrid properties filters - Added support for ARRAY column type * Localization-related fixes * MongoEngine backend is now properly formats model labels * Improved Google App Engine support: - Added TextProperty, KeyProperty and SelectField support - Added support for form_args, excluded_columns, page_size and after_model_update * Fixed URL generation with localized named filters * FileAdmin has Bootstrap 2 support now * Geoalchemy fixes - Use Google Places (by default) for place search * Updated translations * Bug fixes
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----- * Small bug fix release. Fixes regression that prevented usage of "virtual" columns with a custom formatter.
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* Official Python 3.5 support * Customizable row actions * Tablib support (exporting to XLS, XLSX, CSV, etc) * Updated external dependencies (jQuery, x-editable, etc) * Added settings that allows exceptions to be raised on view errors * Bug fixes