Released 2019-05-21
* conditional request and optimistic locking support
* add _link in ``Model`` to_dict and _meta in collection response in order to support HATEOAS
* subresources url available
* new validators for fetch payload
* query string filters support range definition (between)
* add support to hidden fields of ``Model``
* enhancements on query string filters: add grater, less and or conditions. Bug fix on multiple sort condition
* _export query string argument value is used as filename
* add '_' prefix to "internal" query string argument in order to protect resource field with the same name
* bug fix on export when a record has a null foreign key
* add ``Flask-ResponseBuilder`` in order to negotiate the content-type of response
* missing meta url from configuration
* improved management of missing and unknown fields
* ``Model`` support custom attributes name
* removed exclude_tables and update required fields
* removed ``Flask-Admin`` and ``Flask-JSON`` dependencies
* many bug fix and code refinements