- Expanded the example with S3Storage for Flask-FileUpload - Post id for DynamoDB only uses lower case alphabet and numbers
- Added DynamoDB storage - Add Open Graph support
- Additional fixes to ``automap_base`` in creating ``Post`` and ``Tag`` models
- Fixes to ``automap_base`` in creating ``Post`` and ``Tag`` models - Some improvements to blog page generation
- Added information contained in the ``meta`` variable passed to the views as requested in (102) - Add missing space to Prev pagination link text (103) - Only render the modal of the user is a blogger (101) - Added ``Post`` and ``Tag`` models in ``sqlastorage`` using ``automap_base``.
- Added integration with Flask-FileUpload to enable static file uploads (99) - Updated compatibility to latest Flask-WTF package (96, 97) - Updated to latest bootstrap-markdown package (92) - Added alert fade outs (94)