
Latest version: v1.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed prefix in Storage.upload that assumed the prefix is a directory
Add a slash / at the end of prefix to make it a directory, or it will
just append it to the name


- Removed flask_cloudy.Object.short_url now use flask_cloudy.Object.url
- Added flask_cloudy.Object.full_url to have the domain for local storage


- Removed LOCAL_PATH configuration. Use CONTAINER as the LOCAL_PATH
- Change config prefix to STORAGE_*


- More pythonic
- implement __contains__ to look for an item in the storage. `if object_name in storage`
- rename Storage:objet to Storage:get().


- Fixed typo


- object_path return the full path of the object when on local
- get_url() can return short url for local file instead of the full domain one
- rename Storage:get_object to Storage:object

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