+ Incompatible changes
- Removes `uuid_to_path_handler` callback.
- Updates error classes names (MultimediaImageResizeError and
+ New features
- Adds image information request endpoint `<uuid>/info.json` which
contains available metadata for the image, such as the full height
and width, and the functionality available for the image, such as
the formats in which it may be retrieved, and the IIIF profile
- Adds new signals to REST API that permits to have access before
and after process of the request as well as after the validation
of IIIF.
- Adds a configurable decorator to the REST API which can be
configure with the `api_decorator_handler`.
- Adds the `uuid_to_image_opener_handler` which can handle both
`fullpath` and `bytestream` as source.
+ Improved features
- Improves the initialisation of the REST API by adding a
possibility to override the default API prefix
- Adds better testing cases and increases the overall test
+ Notes
- The decorator can be used to restrict access to the REST API.