- **Backwards incompatible:** The `FlaskRedis.init_app` method no
longer takes a `strict` parameter. Pass this flag when creating your
`FlaskRedis` instance, instead.
- **Backwards incompatible:** The extension will now be registered
under the (lowercased) config prefix of the instance. The default
config prefix is `'REDIS'`, so unless you change that, you can still
access the extension via `app.extensions['redis']` as before.
- **Backwards incompatible:** The default class has been changed to
`redis.StrictRedis`. You can switch back to the old `redis.Redis`
class by specifying `strict=False` in the `FlaskRedis` kwargs.
- You can now pass all supported `Redis` keyword arguments (such as
`decode_responses`) to `FlaskRedis` and they will be correctly
passed over to the `redis-py` instance. Thanks, giyyapan\!
- Usage like `redis_store['key'] = value`, `redis_store['key']`, and
`del redis_store['key']` is now supported. Thanks, ariscn\!