
Latest version: v3.2.3

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Refactored fetching resource collections:
- SQL query optimizations for 'include' and 'relationship' objects, using `selectinload`
(3x-5x performance improvement when tested on large datasets)

- New parameter 'include_links' which controls should relationship objects include links. They are not required by
JSON API, and disabling them significantly improves performance

- New interfaces for Serializer and Deserializer classes.

- APIManager requires Serializer/Deserializer objects instead of functions for `serializer`/`deserializer` options

- 'single' parameter is no longer supported - makes code complicated, is not defined in JSON API specs and can be easily
replicated on a client side

- 'group' parameter is not longer supported - not defined in JSON API specifications, confusing and broken for PostrgeSQL

- JSONP callbacks are no longer supported - please reach out if you have a use case for them


Not secure
- Prevent redundant SQL queries during pagination and resource inclusion


Not secure
- 16 - Fix: including child of empty relationship (by sharky98)


Not secure
- 15: Support SQLAlchemy 1.4.x


Not secure
- 1, 13: Fix for relationship updates not being committed (by sharky98)
- 12: Fix for 500 when trying to include Null/None relationship
- Added TSQuery operator (by augustin)


Not secure
- 4: `id` is an optional attribute as long as Model has a primary key
- 6: Fix for `flask_restless.views` not being included in the installed package.

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