
Latest version: v0.20.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released on January 14, 2019.

- 3: Documentation updated for Flask-Restless-Zx fork. Error logging and error objects updated.



Released on February 17, 2015.

- Corrects bug to allow delayed initialization of multiple Flask applications.
- 167: allows custom serialization/deserialization functions.
- 198: allows arbitrary Boolean expressions in search query filters.
- 226: allows creating APIs before initializing the Flask application object.
- 274: adds the :func:`url_for` function for computing URLs from models.
- 379: improves datetime parsing in search requests.
- 398: fixes bug where DELETE_SINGLE processors were not actually used.
- 400: disallows excluding a primary key on a :http:method:`POST` request.



Released on February 3, 2015.

- 237: allows bulk delete of model instances via the ``allow_delete_many``
keyword argument.
- 313, 389: :meth:`APIManager.init_app` now can be correctly used to
initialize multiple Flask applications.
- 327, 391: allows ordering searches by fields on related instances.
- 353: allows search queries to specify ``group_by`` directives.
- 365: allows preprocessors to specify return values on :http:method:`get`
- 385: makes the `include_methods` keywords argument respect model properties.



Released on January 2, 2015.

- 367: catch :exc:`IntegrityError`, :exc:`DataError`, and
:exc:`ProgrammingError` exceptions in all view methods.
- 374: import :class:`sqlalchemy.Column` from :mod:`sqlalchemy` directly,
instead of :mod:`sqlalchemy.sql.schema`



Released on October 30, 2014.

- 320: detect settable hybrid properties instead of raising an exception.
- 350: allows exclude/include columns to be specified as SQLAlchemy column
objects in addition to strings.
- 356: rollback the SQLAlchemy session on a failed :http:method:`patch`
- 368: adds missing documentation on using custom queries (see



Released on September 2, 2014.

- 351, 355: fixes bug in getting related models from a model with hybrid

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