
Latest version: v0.17.0

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- Allows to specify a custom mount path on namespace registration
- Allow to express models as raw schemas
- Upgraded to Swagger-UI 2.2.6
- Support Swagger-UI translations
- Fix prefix trailing slash stripping in Postman doc generation (:issue:`232`)
- Add validation for lists in the expect decorator (:issue:`231`)



- Same version but a PyPI bug force reupload.



- Added some Swagger-UI Oauth configurations:
- Expose ``type: object`` in Swagger schemas (:issue:`157`)
- Fix an issue with error handlers (:issue:`141`)
- Fix an issue with Postman export when using OAuth (:issue:`151`)
- Miscellenaous code and documentation fixes
- Remove last flask-restful references (unless needed) and add missing attributions



- Make :class:`Namespace` behave like :class:`~flask.Blueprint` for :class:`~flask.Flask`
- Deprecated ``parser`` and ``body`` parameters for ``expect`` in :meth:`~Namespace.doc` decorator
- Deprecated :meth:`Model.extend` in favor of :meth:`Model.clone`
- Added the :meth:`~Namespace.param` decorator
- Honour method restrictions in Swagger documentation (:issue:`93`)
- Improved documentation



- Handle callable on API infos
- Handle documentation on error handlers
- Drop/merge flask_restful ``flask_restful.RequestParser``
- Handle :class:`~reqparse.RequestParser` into :meth:`~Api.expect` decorator
- Handle schema for :mod:`~inputs` parsers
- Added some inputs:
- :class:`~inputs.email`
- :func:`~inputs.ip`
- :func:`~inputs.ipv4`
- :func:`~inputs.ipv6`



- Handle mask on :class:`~fields.Polymorph` field
- Handle mask on inherited models
- Replace `flask_restful.abort` by :func:`flask_restplus_udata.errors.abort`
- Replace `flask_restful.unpack` by :func:`flask_restplus_udata.utils.unpack`
- **Breaking changes**:
- Renamed ``ApiModel`` into :class:`Model`
- Renamed ``ApiNamespace`` into :class:`Namespace`

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