
Latest version: v0.13.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Expose models and fields schema through the ``__schema__`` attribute
- Drop support for model as class
- Added ``api.errorhandler()`` to register custom error handlers
- Added ``api.response()`` shortcut decorator
- Fix list nested models missing in definitions



- Python 2.6 support
- Experimental polymorphism support (single inheritance only)
- Added ``Polymorph`` field
- Added ``discriminator`` attribute support on ``String`` fields
- Added ``api.inherit()`` method
- Added ``ClassName`` field



- Fix for parameter with schema (do not set type=string)



- Allow shorter syntax to set operation id: ``api.doc('my-operation')``
- Added a shortcut to specify the expected input model: ``api.expect(my_fields)``
- Added ``title`` attribute to fields
- Added ``api.extend()`` to extend models
- Ensure coherence between ``required`` and ``allow_null`` for ``NestedField``
- Support list of primitive types and list of models as body
- Upgraded to latest version of Swagger UI
- Fixes



- Rename apidoc blueprint into restplus_doc to avoid collisions



- Added ``SWAGGER_VALIDATOR_URL`` config parameter
- Added ``readonly`` field parameter
- Upgraded to latest version of Swagger UI

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